The Truth About C-section ? Discover Natural Ways To Recover Quickly

The myths and reluctance about C-section or cesarean delivery are bursting with the progress of time.
But the anxiety of anticipation remains the same, given that it is a major surgery that a woman undergoes.
C-section is a way of delivering through an incision in the abdomen. Although there is a constant debate about the false belief that vaginal birth is better (usually termed as natural birth), the form of delivery that is safe for both the baby and the mother is the best, whether vaginal or cesarean.
There are many instances where c-section delivery is necessary to be performed for medical reasons or emergencies, as a vaginal birth is unsafe.
Things To Know about C-section
The truth is that C-section recovery has its own course and depends on the individual person. It usually takes at least 6 weeks to heal, as that is the time the uterus takes to get back to its original size and shape. However, before you can start lifting weight more than the baby's, exercising, having sex, taking approval from the gynaecologist is strictly advised.
Here are some things to know about C-sections. Knowing what to expect beforehand helps manage the hospital stay, pre-arranging help with housework at home, and reducing anxiety arising from the unknown.
1. Your body is numbed with anaesthesia from below your breast bone. You wouldn't feel the pain of surgery but you shall be conscious throughout the process.
2. C-section recovery time, process and pain are equivalent to and not less than any open surgery. Hence, taking painkillers and other medicines prescribed by the doctor is mandatory.
3. You'd need to stay in the hospital for at least 3 to 4 days after delivery. The doctor can keep you longer if there are any complications.
4. You will feel soreness in the abdomen around the incision site for a few weeks after the surgery. This is because the blood vessels are narrowing gradually to stop uterus bleeding.
5. You might need to ask for help or take additional care while showering until the incision is completely healed. Soaking in a bathtub is not advised until signalled by the gynaecologist.
6. Accepting bodily changes will help to maintain calmness and keep anxiety at bay. You might face constipation, flatulence, tiredness and groggy feeling. These are typical signs of exhaustion and that your body is trying to recover.
7. Taking care of the wound is absolutely necessary to prevent infections or hurt the wound site before it heals completely. As you should know that a total of 4 layers of tissues and muscles are stitched back while closing the abdomen after C-section.
There are no magical C-section recovery tips, as every person's body is different and takes its own time. The minimum six weeks time frame is indisputable. The following tips will only ensure that your recovery process is smooth, effective and normalized as much as possible (by avoiding things that can cause delay or complications in healing).
C-section Recovery Tips at Home
Sleep is your Best Friend
Sleep, when your baby sleeps, is not just an exaggerated phrase. Sleeping is already considered a recovery mechanism in everyday life. Therefore, it becomes paramount during recovery after C-section. It usually becomes overwhelming for new mothers to rest when you have a baby to take care of, house chores and other responsibilities. Talk to your friends and family members, especially your partner, for managing chores after one is discharged from the hospital. You can ask your residing partner to make the baby sleep with them and bring them to you for feeds only during the night, while they take care of burping, diaper changing etc.
Avoid Physical Stress
Standing for a long time to cook food, cleaning the house, or laundry is a big NO for atleast 6 weeks after c-section delivery. The weight of the baby is the maximum limit for picking any object. Exerting will only delay the healing and might cause problems if the incision is too stressed due to movements like climbing stairs, picking heavy objects, bending over too much, or driving. As resting is extremely essential for recovery, do not hesitate to take help from family and your partner. during initial recovery days, your friends or family visiting you can bring home-cooked food for you. They can also help with the groceries for you.
Painkillers are Not Always Bad
During your hospital stay, you will be given pain killer meds via IV fluids, as gulping-down medicines in sleeping posture is not possible. The doctor will advise the period for which you have to take the pain medicines during your c-section recovery time. You must take the medicines on time, as too much pain from the surgery can hinder taking care of your baby. These medicines do not affect the baby and are safe if you are concerned about breastfeeding while on painkillers.
You Need Care
Your body needs love and care to recover quickly and in the right way. Don't be harsh to yourself and overwhelm yourself with an I-can-do-everything idea. Your body undergoes a lot during the 9 months of pregnancy, and it is unfair to expect to get back to normal in a few days. Your body might look different, might experience hair-fall, flatulence, acidity and many other issues that crop up during the recovery process. All these are a sign that your body and hormones are trying to return to their original self. Talk to your doctor if you experience these issues and ask them if these can be treated.
A sudden increase of responsibilities of transitioning into a new phase affects your mental health because. While you need rest, tending to the baby is also required. Should you feel that your thoughts are igniting anxiety, depression and negative harming ideas about the baby or yourself, it might be a sign of Postpartum Depression. (Click to read more on Postpartum Depression).
Balanced Nutrition is paramount
Your body loses blood during delivery and nutrients while nurturing the baby in the womb. Apart from this, additional Nutrition is also required for the body to help in faster recovery. Eating with mindfulness not only aids your body to recover quickly but replenishes the loss of nutrients and minerals that your body passed on to the baby. Like pregnancy Nutrition, Postpartum Nutrition is equally essential for your long term health to avoid deficiencies arising at a later age.
C-sections take time to heal and should not be taken lightly for anatomy reasons. However, the recovery process can be sped up or made comfortable with the above C-section recovery tips at home while you are taking care of your little one.
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